Wednesday, June 29, 2011

V - agina Monologues

A 26-year-old Australian nurse, who came to Mysore for its tourist spots and learn yoga and French, was sexually abused on June 24 by two youths... and they ask why indian men are hated all over the world. this is the only thing heterosexual indian men are known for. - Rwitobrato , a friend on facebook put up this status a few days back.

Maid gangraped by NGO owners. - Times of India, June 23rd.

Teacher held for raping ex-student - Times of India , June 23rd

Police seeking money: Rape victim kin - Times of India , June 25th

The above were headlines collected from the Elaan group page on facebook. Having observed violence on women , from very close quarters, prompted me to make a blog-post out of it.

The Vagina Monologues , an episodic play written by Eve Ensler has been all about the story of the big V - the Vagina. Made up of a varying number of monologues read by a varying number of women , every monologue relates to the vagina through sex, love, rape, menstruation, mutilation, masturbation, birth and orgasm. In a world where thousands of women are raped , tortured , traded and killed everyday , one is bound to wonder what the V in Victory actually stands for in the V for Vagina.

Incidentally I happened to do a shoot related to the shackled , anti-free state of women. The following is a shot from the series.


  1. I l♥ve it dude!! It freaking A W E S O M E !!

  2. omg amo u really really doing very good :) u made me proud mister <3 it :D 2 thumbs up.
